Tuesday, June 7, 2011


it is finally summer!!! i really am getting tired of the cold in my old age!

all of the kids passed their classes and are moving on to the next grade. yay for them!! G will be in 4th grade (i can't believe this at all) amd M will be moving on to 1st grade. CJ will get another year of preschool which he absolutely loved this year and i am sure he will again next year as well. G has decided that he wouls like to play the violin next year in the orchestra. i tihnk i am going to invest in a nice pair of earplugs... i remember when i was a kid and my younger brother would play the violin. beginning strings instruments is not pretty!G went to visit his dad for the summer in hawaii again this year, but before he left we had a nice weekend of fun. we played at the park, had ice cream, went to the movies and played in the fountain downtown. we had grandma and grandpa over for grilling and uncle david came by for the day as well. we will miss him, but he will be back soon enough.
M & CJ have lots of fun planned for the summer. they have both started swimming lessons and they have many field trips to go on this summer with day camp. we are also going camping a few times this summer!
it's gonna go by way too fast - i can already tell. and then it will be cold again and i will return to grumpy once again...